Ider human resources co., LTD
If your CV and cover letter have been impressive enough to get you an interview, the job could be yours – provided you perform well at the interview. Even the most seasoned professional c...
“Is the recruiting season coming?” a friend asked me last Friday, “I noticed that all my HR friends are posting new positions. Also several recruitment consultants called me last week...
Napoleon once said, Every French soldier carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack. However, some excellent employees who dream of being a leader can’t find their bat...
Sometimes even though the candidates thought they did well in the interview, they failed to get the offer. They felt very confused, “is the interview I attended the same one that the HR ...
The call for corporate innovation has become cliché. As large companies struggle to find new ways to compete, their CEOs talk about agility, lean principles and startup collaborat...
In recent years, several business trends have had a significant impact on the broad field of HRM. Chief among them was new technologies. These new technologies, particularly in the areas...
I’m very excited and optimistic about the future of HR. This role is undergoing massive transformation both in terms of name and function. Over the past few months I’ve b...
dividuals to accept and stay in a role. Indeed, this year's National Management Salary Survey shows that despite increases in basic pay across all levels of executives, the resignation...
The call for corporate innovation has become cliché. As large companies struggle to find new ways to compete, their CEOs talk about agility, lean principles and startup collaborat...
“People work for people – they do not work for businesses” – Donn Carr This has been my mantra for as along as I can remember. The ...